Lucid Launcher Pro – Lucid Launcher Pro 6.66
The description of Lucid Launcher Pro
Lucid Launcher 专业版解锁Lucid Launcher免费版中多项功能并将比免费版更早收到更新推送。如果您有新功能请求,请通过我们的Google+页面或邮件联系我们进行提交
★自定义搜索文本 (请见截屏)
★更多文件夹图标式样More Folder Icon Styles
Accessibility Service: accessibility is used in order to use the Recent Apps Shortcut/Gesture to open the System Recents Screen
*This app uses the Device Administrator permission for the purpose of setting up gestures or shortcuts that lock the screen
联系人: 该权限仅用于当搜索联系人选项开启时在搜索栏中进行联系人搜索
电话: 该权限用于从启动器中通过快捷方式直接拨打电话
照片/媒体/文件: 该类别权限用于从高级设置中创建/覆盖备份以及从内置浏览器中保存图片
其他: 该类别权限用于从内置浏览器中连接互联网, 控制长按震动, 以及为进行某些手势/快捷方式操作而展开/收起状态栏
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What's news
*Home screen will fade when viewing folder while in battery saver mode for better visibility while folder window blur is inactive
*If toolbar is set to be hidden on home screen it will stay hidden upon activity restart without having to animate the toolbar back up again
*Fixed Activity restart on UI changes (fixes things like restarts after switching from maps navigation to home)
*Fixed Folder showing in 'Recent Apps' for certain api levels
*API Updates, Bug fixes, general improvements