Deep Space: First Contact™ 2.6 +데터

Action, Game
The description of Deep Space: First Contact
Deep Space: First Contact 5.0 is now available!
◊ (New!) Gamepad Support*
◊ Better performance than ever!
◊ Completely reworked alien
◊ Improved texture quality
◊ Improved lighting quality
And much more!
In Deep Space: First Contact, you will have the role of a security guard at a space station. You find yourself working like every day in the security zone, when suddenly you hear an explosion... A breach in the lab!
Explore the carefully designed space station, with stunning graphics and great detail, tour the rooms and laboratories, activate the main generator, open the hangar doors and find the ship to escape!
But beware, you must avoid the alien!
◊ Stunning graphics
◊ Carefully designed map
◊ Space station ambience
◊ Sci-Fi style
◊ 3D Sound
The main story is available in the following languages:
◊ English
◊ Spanish
◊ (New!) French
◊ (New!) Italian
◊ (New!) Polish
◊ (New!) German
In the next updates, the most popular languages among our players will be added.
* Compatible gamepads:
◊ PS4
◊ Xbox 360 w/wireless receiver
◊ Samsung GP20
◊ Green Throttle Atlas
◊ Some generic Android gamepads (two joysticks required)
Deep Space: First Contact™ from Infinity Devs, an Indie game made with passion.
How to install Deep Space: First Contact OBB
- 다운로 한 APK 치
- "com.infinitydevs.deepspaceprem"더 추하여 "Android / Obb /" 복사합
- 앱을 기세요
What's news
Deep Space: First Contact 5.0 is here!
Better lighting, improved performance & bug fixes.
Download Deep Space: First Contact for Android
Download apk - 18 MB
Download zip - 127 MB
Download mp4 - 11 MB