Mirt. Tales of the Cold Land 1.0 +データ

Mirt Tales of the Cold Land Logo


ゲーム, 冒険

The description of Mirt. Tales of the Cold Land

Welcome to Mirt, a land lost in the northern valleys and lost in time. As a newcomer, you must face the difficulties of people not being keen to welcome you, and snow in the summer, and the extensive secrets of Mirt's small history.

Anton is an ordinary student. Not having enough money, he decides to go to Mirt for the summer. The beginning of his stay is relaxing but fairly uneventful: easy but well-paid work, a small room, and new friends. But soon the Mirt's past begins to show itself and Anton has to become a detective for a while to figure out what's going on. Can a girl from a cafe see the future? What made a young woman commit suicide? Who or what did kill the new arrivals some years ago? And, last but now least, why did his shadow suddenly become a few shades brighter?

How to install Mirt. Tales of the Cold Land OBB

  1. ウロードしAPKフをインール
  2. フォダ"ru.emanon.mirt"してAndroid / Obb /」コーしま
  3. アリ起しておしみだい

What's news

Mirt. Tales of the Cold Land now in Google Play!

Download Mirt. Tales of the Cold Land for Android

Download apk - 28 MB
Download zip - 433 MB

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