Body language – Trick me. Analyzing of Gestures 24.9 Apk for Android

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Application, Medicine & Health

The description of Body language - Trick me. Analyzing of Gestures

Truth or lie?

You can meet both lie and truth in your life. It is easy to meet a lie on the streets, in shops or while watching morning breaking news on TV.

Why do people lie?

Everybody has their own reasons. Politicians hire consultants to help them look honest and sincere. But sometimes even the most reliable people lie. The reasons can be different. Our application about body language “Trick me” will help you understand more about the reasons and signs of lie.

✓Scientists suppose every human lies up to 20 times per day and often they don’t even realize it. This app will help you better understand yourself through teaching you non-verbal actions.

What does your partner really think about?

Nowadays some professionals use lie detector (polygraph) for recognition of deception. Unfortunately, you can’t take a polygraph at the date with your beloved and it also would be odd to use it with your business partners. Even in relationships between parents and children this device looks inappropriate. And even more - it’s accuracy, according to some resources, is under 80%.

Which signs can reveal a lie?

Sometimes ignorance is a bliss. Are you sure you really want to know when people lie to you? Even your closest ones. Using knowledge of body language you can find out more about people in your environment. Do you know that 98% of teenagers lie to their parents and 80% of people tell the white lie every day? Lie theory is a very wide topic, but you should just accept this fact - everybody lies.

The methods from this application “Lie to me" are used in a lot of spheres: police, security services, psychiatric consultants, NLPrs and so on.

This app is useful for head managers, students and everybody who wants to be knowledgeable about psychology of lying and better understand people.

A person thinks and talks using his/her whole body. For recognition signs of lie in this application we use a lot of kinds of body language, like:

★ Gaze direction
★ Touching of lips
★ Types of handshakes
★ Position of legs
★ Lie by telephone

Since olden times people have had a desire to know what was on someone’s mind. After a while the whole direction has formed. Now it is known as physiognomy. Using this app “Lie to me” you will learn the language of body and gestures. You will find out the main principles of way of thinking and it will be easy for you to recognize a liar by his facial expression.

Some specialists testify that absolutely every human being can learn how to spot a lie.
You just have to understand the body language. Yes, it’s true! Very soon it’ll be easy for you to read people’s minds and microexpressions. In a while you will take the gasp of non-verbal communication. Unfortunately or, vise versa, hopefully there are no absolutely verified ways to uncover the deception. But due to this app you will be able to understand people, build close relationships and learn to control your own emotions. If you often deal with public speaking or are engaged in negotiations, it will totally help you to win round the audience. Besides, it will contribute to your personal advancement.

It is not always possible to use the body language. Sometimes you don’t have a possibility to observe hands or legs of a person you speak to. For example, if you’re sitting at the table in mental room or moving on the bus - there is still a possibility to reveal deception by your partner’s eyes. But still we recommend to consider all available signs altogether, noticing the environment and context, because some signs of lie could have easier explanation. For example, it is cold, so your partner crossed his hands just to warm up. Or he suffers from allergic disease, so he often scratches his nose.

The application is adapted for tablets

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Added 3 types of quizzes. Now you can check your knowledge of body language

Download Body language - Trick me. Analyzing of Gestures for Android
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